Giovedì 28 giugno, presso la Sala Auditorium – Laboratorio delle Arti Unibo, sono stati consegnati i DVD Awards del Cinema Ritrovato 2018, i premi rivolti alle migliori edizioni di restauri e film d’essai per cinefili intenditori. A stabilire il nome dei vincitori una giuria d’eccezione, presieduta da Paolo Mereghetti, che quest’anno ha visto la partecipazione di Lorenzo Codelli, Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, Philippe Garnier, Pamela Hutchinson e Miguel Marìas.
#Lorenzo Codelli |
Lorenzo Codelli is an Italian journalist, film historian and archivist. He has contributed to several publications known worldwide, among which are the film magazines Positif, International Film Guide and the volume Dictionnaire du cinéma asiatique, and he has curated various monographies devoted to famous Italian directors. In 2009 Codelli received the title of "Commandeur de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres" from the French Ministère de la Culture. Founder member of the Festival Grand Lyon Lumière and adviser at the Festival de Cannes, he is currently vice-director of Cineteca del Friuli in Gemona (Italy).
As part of the 30th anniversary of Il Cinema Ritrovato film festival (from June 25th to July 2nd, 2016 - Bologna, Italy) we are proud to present the 13th edition of Il Cinema Ritrovato DVD Awards.