Covid health and safety

Waiting for the Il Cinema Ritrovato festival, we will show you the rules, obligations and requirements for accessing the rooms. We want to offer you incredible places that welcome us safely. All well spaced, like in a Wes Anderson film, enjoying the cinema.
Dear Friends,
foremost in mind when we took the decision to open this year’s Il Cinema Ritrovato to the public, was being able to guarantee the maximum level of safety for every audience member in theatres and at open-air screenings.
From May to the present day, the situation in Bologna and Emilia-Romagna has continually improved, further reassuring us with regard to our decision to hold the festival.
In order to keep you as informed as possible, we would like to take this chance to highlight some of the rules and regulations which will be applied during Il Cinema Ritrovato:
- in order to provide constant tracing, access to all venues will be by booking only
- to ensure safety distancing at all times, seating plan will be generated by a software; a clear display of non-available seats will be provided in each theatre
- the festival staff will ensure that the public enters and exits the theatre in an orderly fashion and complies with the safety protocols
- spectators will be required to sanitise their hands and wear a facemask from the moment they enter the theatre until the end of the screening. Facemasks will also be mandatory for the festival staff.
- screenings have been scheduled to allow frequent cleaning (with particular attention paid to surfaces that people hands are likely to come into contacts) as well as — where possible — fresh air ventilation in between films. Special maintenance to air conditioning systems have been performed and all filters have been replaced to guarantee clean air into theatres
- safety regulations will be clearly displayed at all festival venues
To stay up to date regarding the current health situation in Bologna and Emilia-Romagna, please click here:
To consult the list of countries from which visitors to Italy are obliged to observe a 14-day period of self-isolation, please click here