
The Cineteca points out… the Midnight Sun Film Festival, the Festival La Rochelle Cinéma and the Nitrat Film Festival

The tour around the globe of Il Cinema Ritrovato lands in Finland, France and Serbia this month, check out the wonderful programmes dedicated to film heritage proposed by our partner festivals.


Online, 17–21/06/2021

The 36th Midnight Sun Film Festival will be held in accordance with the best traditions of the festival, as high quality as possible in the prevailing pandemic conditions. International top-level films will be screened as an online festival throughout Finland and beyond. Four important film restorations realized by La Cineteca di Bologna will be presented in this year’s edition, here the details. 
Visit here the full programme.


La Rochelle, 25/06 – 04/07/2021

Our friends at Festival La Rochelle present the programme for the 49th edition, which also includes an important retrospective dedicated to Roberto Rossellini, in collaboration with the Cineteca di Bologna. 
Visit here the full programme.


Belgrade, 06-15/06/2021

The twenty-third edition of the Nitrat Film Festival, organised by the Yugoslav Film Archive in Belgrade, will present thirty-six films from twenty-six archives in Europe, Japan, Egypt and the United States.As part of the programme, a copy of Al Nasser Salah Al-Din by Youssef Chahine, preserved at La Cineteca di Bologna, will also be screened.
Visit here the full programme.


Visit here the complete map of Il Cinema Ritrovato On Tour!