
Festival guest Wim Wenders

Wim Wenders, revolutionary director of New German Cinema, maker of atypical documentaries and great cinephile, will be a guest and a protagonist at this year’s festival Il Cinema Ritrovato for what are sure to be four captivating events.

Firstly, on Monday 26 June, a conversation on the panning shots, fluid camera movement and fast and rhythmic editing of the restored Hijosen no onna, Yasujiro Ozu’s only gangster film. Tuesday 27 will see an exchange on the restoration of Lightning Over Water, Wenders’ own interview-testament of Nicholas Ray, a mythical figure of American cinema. Finally, on Wednesday 28, an unmissable cinema lesson awaits us, along with the presentation of Targets, Peter Bogdanovich’s directorial debut, produced under the auspices of the legendary Roger Corman.