
Fluid Cinema

From today onwards we are proposing a short feature with selections of not to be missed films and events dedicated to various topics. We start with Fluid Cinema, a quartet of films that cross gender stereotypes, from a documentary on film history and LGBT+ influences, to the comedy Peter, to a figure in German queer cinema, Elfi Mikesch, to Greta Garbo’s historical portrayal of Queen Christina.

Saturday 24th June, 4.45 pm, Auditorium DAMSLab

  • Peter (Hungary-Austria/1934) by Hermann Kosterlitz

Tuesday 27th June, 9.30 pm, Sala Scorsese 

Thursday 29th June, 2.30 pm, Sala Scorsese 

Wednesday 28th June, 4.30 pm, Cinema Jolly 
Friday 30th June, 9.30 pm, Cinema Jolly