La rassegna stampa del Cinema Ritrovato: le testate giornalistiche internazionali sul festival

“Le ravissement est total”, “A celebration of film history”, “Very satisfying stuff”: questi ed altri commenti sul Cinema Ritrovato dalle testate giornalistiche online internazionali. Qui una raccolta di alcuni articoli della rassegna stampa.
“Il Cinema Ritrovato, l’éden des cinéphiles”
Le festival de Bologne, consacré aux films de patrimoine restaurés, s’est achevé dimanche sur un record de fréquentation. Paradis des cinéphiles, il attire aussi la foule sur la Piazza Maggiore, œuvre à reconsidérer le passé du 7e art et à réviser les jugements sur le cinéma italien. Quiconque n’a jamais vécu l’expérience des projections nocturnes en plein air sur la Piazza Maggiore de Bologne, immergé au milieu de 8 000 spectateurs, dont beaucoup assis à même le pavé, ne saurait prétendre connaître le plaisir du cinéma. Celui de son essence originelle. Et quand, comme vendredi soir, la pleine lune vient s’immiscer à la fin du Voleur de bicyclette (1948), de Vittorio de Sica, projeté dans une version restaurée, magnifique et vibrante, le ravissement est total.
Continua a leggere l’articolo di Jean-Claude Raspiengeas su
“Il Cinema Ritrovato 2018”
Every June, the northern Italian city of Bologna becomes the capital of cinephilia when it hosts Il Cinema Ritrovato, a celebration of film history with an emphasis on newly restored and rediscovered films. Launched in 1986 as a relatively modest, three-day affair, the festival has grown to become one the biggest showcases of its kind in the world. This year, around 500 films will screen over nine days through July 1. The event is organized by the Cineteca di Bologna, one of the world’s major film archives, whose L’Immagine Ritrovata lab has been restoring and preserving the legacy of cinema for over twenty-five years.
Continua a leggere l’articolo di David Hudson su
“Cinema muto Ritrovato: silent films at Bologna 2018”
I saw more than 30 films in Bologna this year, and some, but by no means all of them, were silent. It’s strictly unscientific, but it seemed like an especially strong year for early films – with strands devoted to 1898 and 1918 running through the festival (curated by Bologna’s silent doyenne Mariann Lewisnky), and even a “mutiflix” special, offering a daily dose of the Wolves of Kultur serial in the soon-to-be-renovated Cinema Modernissimo. The silent gods smiled on us this year, even if they worked in mysterious ways.
Continua a leggere l’articolo di Pamela Hutchinson su
Leggi anche:
“7th Heaven at Il Cinema Ritrovato 2018”, Francesco Finocchiaro
“The forgottens: see Naples and die“, David Cairns