Yannick Bellon

Sog. e scen.: Yannick Bellon; F.: Georges Barsky; M.: Janine Sée; Mu.: Georges Delerue; Su.: Daniel Ollivier; Ingegnere Su.: Alain Sempé, Raymond Adam, Pierre Gamet, Jacques Pie- trobelli; Ass. R.: Monique Oubraham, Jean-François Detré, Colette Batifoulier, Hélène Bernardin; Int.: Loleh Bellon (Raphaële), Roland Dubillard (Vincent), Christine Tsingos (Christine), Hugues Quester (Emmanuel), Hélène Dieudonné (Germaine), Paul Villé (Albert), Hélène Bernardin (Anne), Claude Lévy-Strauss (se stesso), Jacques Alric, Didier Chereau, Etienne Dirand, Michel Robin; Prod.: Films de l’Equinoxe 35mm. L.: 2685 m. D.: 98’.

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

The style of the film is in keeping with the story. These briefly hinted at destinies, these little melodies of life which for an instant emerge from the din to be quickly lost in the crowd, these “unanimous” thrusts could not be enclosed in a traditional narrative structure. The style and construction of the film imposed themselves as the story was developed. It is a film that cannot be told. No story, no beginning, no middle, no end. It is a film that could never end. My last – terrible – memory of Quelque part quelqu’un from a public screening, is that of a completely pink film, a surprising fact considering that the darker elements of the images had been stressed. The copy had completely changed colour and I found out afterwards that the internegative was also in a bad way.

Interview with Yannick Bellon by Eric Leroy

Copy From

Print preserved in 1999 in collaboration with Les Films de l’équinoxe (Yannick Bellon) by Neyrac Laboratory from 16mm original positive