Cinefilia Ritrovata: focus su ‘Carvan’

Approfondimento critico (italiano/english) su Caravan di Erik Charell a cura della redazione di
“Distante da qualsiasi tipologia di musical in voga in quegli anni – basti pensare alle fantasiose ambientazioni dei film “boy meets girl” di Fred Astaire e Ginger Rogers, ma anche alla lunga saga di Gold Diggers, Caravan non rappresenta un’America reale o immaginata, ma la vecchia Europa del regista Erik Charrell le cui dinamiche erano troppo distanti per il pubblico statunitense del ’34″.
Leggi l’articolo di Federica Marcucci
“In 1934, Fox Film Corporation releases Caravan, a musical film directed by Erik Charell. On her twenty-first birthday, countess Wilma travels to Hungary, to the house where she had spent her childhood, to claim her inheritance. At this time of the year, life at the villa orbits around the vineyard and the harvest, an activity which relies on the conjunct work of the villagers and of some superstitious practices, the most important being the aid of the gypsies, whose music will make the difference in the final outcome”.
Read the full article by Eugenia Carraro