Sala Cervi > 16:30
Cinema Ritrovato Kids. Little Rascals / 1
The protagonists of the shorts in this section are unpredictable, mischievous and very lovable. Well before Pippi Longstocking, who turns 70 this year, Tilly, Lea and others were depicting irreverent and anti-conformist behaviour. I fratelli Dinamite, the first animated Italian feature, along with La Rosa di Bagdad, instead tells the story of the childhood of three brothers who have grown up alone on an uncontaminated island and their chaotic and uncontrollable return to civilisation.
Tilly and the Fire Engines (Gb/1911) R.: Lewin Fitzhamon. D.: 2’
Rosalie et Léontine vont au théâtre (Francia/1911) R.: Roméo Bosetti. D.: 5’
Lea e il gomitolo (Italia/1913) R.: Lea Giunchi. D.: 5’
A Lady and Her Maid (USA/1913) R.: Bert Angeles. D.: 13’
Pippi Calzelunghe (Svezia/1969) R.: Olle Hellbom. D.: 30’ (one episode)
Original version with subtitles
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