Don Camillo Monsignore Ma Non Troppo

Carmine Gallone

T.Fr.: Don Camillo Monseigneur; Sog.: Adattamento Da Racconti Di Giovannino Guareschi; Scen.: Leo Benvenuti, Piero De Bernardi, Carmine Gallone; F.: Carlo Carlini; Mo.: Niccolò Lazzari; Scgf.: Piero Filippone (Su Bozzetti Originali Di Virgilio Marchi); Mu.: Alessandro Cicognini; Su.: Oscar Di Santo, Agostino Moretti; Int.: Fernandel (Don Camillo), Gino Cervi (Peppone Bottazzi), Renzo Ricci(Voce Di Gesù Cristo), Leda Gloria (Maria, Moglie Di Peppone), Gina Rovere (Gisella Marasca), Valeria Ciangottini (Rosetta Grotti), Saro Urzì (Brusco), Andrea Checchi (Esponente Comunista Di Roma), Emma Gramatica (Desolina), Karl Zoff (Walter Bottazzi), Marco Tulli (Lo Smilzo), Ruggero De Daninos (Un Monsignore), Carlo Taranto (Marasca, Marito Di Gisella), Armando Bandini (Don Carlino), Giuseppe Porelli (Dott. Galluzzi), Andrea Scotti (Il Capo Dei Giovaniatleti), Giulio Girola (Padre Di Rosetta), Armando Migliari, Ignazio Balsamo, Franco Pesce, Carlo Giuffré, Mario Siletti, Elio Folgaresi, Gustavo Serena, Spartaco Pellicciar!; Prod.: Angelo Rizzoliper Cineriz (Roma) / Francinex (Paris); Pri. Pro.: Roma, Ottobre 1961, 35mm. D.: 114′. Bn

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

“Why another film on Don Camillo and Peppone?” asked the repor­ter of «La Fiera del Cinema» (September 1961). “But it is obvious”, replied Carmine Gallone, “These two characters have become like “masks” [figures in the commedia dell’arte]. They are Harlequin and Pantaloon. They can express whatever sentiment reflects the character and the mentality of a certain type of person. Till now politics have always been the background of their activity, but these two “masks” are now so individualised that they might live autonomously from the ideological struggle to which they are in opposition”. The new episode is not much different from its predecessors, but suffers from a certain predictability in the plot. Fernandel and Gino Cervi remain beyond price. The film grossed, in the season 1961-62, more than a billion and a hundred million lire.

Vittorio Martinelli, Non solo Scipione. Il cinema di Carmine Gallone, edited by Pasquale Iaccio, Liguori editore, Naples, 2003