ACE Workshop 2021

Thursday 22 July 2021, 11 am-1 pm and 3 pm-5 pm
Bologna, Sala conferenze MAMbo, via Don Minzoni 14




Re-Opening and (Re-)Engaging Audiences
On the occasion of the annual ACE Workshop we will look into both what we might have learned from the pandemic lockdowns, as well as which paths we might pursue when opening up to a new normal.

Re-Opening Cinemas
In Collaboration with Europa Cinemas
Do we expect audiences to rush back, hungry for cinema screenings? Or are active measures needed to attract old and new audiences? We explore experiences and inspiration from colleagues in re-opening their cinemas. Has audience behaviour changed or are there new audiences, who have become aware of the physical offerings during the lockdown? Is there a different pattern in what audiences want; on screen, but also coffee, drinks, food, etc.?

New Platforms, VOD, and Rights Clearance
The pandemic led to many ACE institutions exploring new ways to make film heritage available online. With the new o line presence (both free access, VOD and other platforms), film availability and rights clearance require different skills and mindset. Are there activities and initiatives worth continuing and developing? Have the online activities led to new ways of engaging with our audiences that are worth continuing? And what about rights?




Film Literacy
The second session of the workshop will focus on film education (in short) and what opportunities it offers to ACE members. We make it concrete by sharing good practices and showing relevant projects that can be used right away by cinematheques.
Film education provides people with all the skills they need to participate fully in a society dominated by visual culture. Those who master the language of film can give meaning to the film experience, and see the world and themselves in a richer perspective. Cinematheques are preserving, making accessible, contextualising and keeping alive their national, and international, film collection. With the abundance of images and films in today’s society, the guiding role of cinematheques is increasingly relevant. Cinematheques can expose and connect (about and with film): to what is historically important, and what is special, wonderful or urgent. Cinematheques can help children, young people and adults to discover the power of visual language in all its facets.