Semana del cine recuperado Más allá del olvido (MADO)

At a time when screens are multiplying and formats are evolving, the Semana del cine recuperado Más allá del olvido (MADO) invites us to stop, look back and discover the incalculable value of our film heritage. Inspired by renowned international experiences such as Bologna’s Il Cinema Ritrovato or MoMA’s To Save and Project in New York, MADO presents itself as a space where the past dialogues with the present through cinema, a place for exchanging ideas and reflecting on the importance of preserving our audiovisual heritage. We invite you to enjoy, reflect and join the global conversation on the importance of preserving our cinema. Because protecting our audiovisual memory is an act of culture, identity and love of an art form that transcends generations.

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MALBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina