Kenji Mizoguchi

Sc.: Chisoo Kimura, dall’omonimo racconto di Kan Kikuchi. F.: Matao Matsuzawa, Tatsuyuki Yokota. Cast: Shizue Natsukawa (Michiyo), Reiji Kazuki (Yoshiki), Eiji Takagi (padre di Yoshiki), Isamu Kosugi (Yukichi), Takako Irie (Sayuri), Taeko Sakuma (Natsuko), Hisako Takibana (Sumie). Prod.: Nikkatsu; 16mm. D.: circa 17’ a 24 f/s. Bn.

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

In order to advertise the film, Nikkatsu commissioned Yaso Saijo to write the song «Tokyo March» prior to release of the film. The song became a big hit and is still known today. This film was supposed to be the first sound film at Nikkatsu. However, when Mizoguchi began work on the film, the sound system was not yet perfected, and the director would wait one full year before making his first sound film for the film company. A mixture of Ruttmann’s Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt, apparent left- wing ideology and traditional melodrama can be clearly seen even in this abridged version of the film, which is the only surviving print today.

Synopsis: Yoshiki, son of a rich family, falls in love at first sight with a poor girl named Michiyo. After her uncle’s death, Michiyo is forced to become a geisha. Yoshiki’s father meets Michiyo by chance and considers becoming her patron. However, one day he sees the ring that Michiyo inherited from her mother. He immediately realizes that Michiyo is his daughter and confesses to Michiyo and Yoshiki that Michiyo’s mother was his lover. Yoshiki leaves Michiyo, and she marries another man.

Komatsu Hiroshi

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