Voce: Paul Frankeur; Op.: Paul Carpita, André Dumaître; Prod.: PCF 35mm. D.: 12’. Bn.
Film Notes
Vitriolic criticism of the American influence on France, from military bases to film, Coca-Cola to newspapers for children, symbols of “gangsterism”, of “racism”. The workers of SNECMA, the miners of Auchel, dockers, French consumers who “appreciate good wine”, militant communists (young Avant-Garde newsboys “who militate against the eighteen months”, “Humanité” readers who turn off their radio station…) and, last, the leaders of the PCF (Maurice Thorez at Buffalo stadium) all rise up against American civilization and its “policy of war”. The exclusion of Frédéric Joliot-Curie from the Atomic Energy Commision in April 1950 is blamed on American politics.