T. ing.: Bloomer Manservant; T. fr.: Patachon valet de chambre; T. ol.: Patachon wordt kamerdienaar; Int.: Raymond Frau (Kri-Kri), Lorenzo Soderini (Cocò), Gildo Bocci (l’oste); Prod.: Cines 35mm. L.o.: 154 m. L.: 96 m. D.: 5’ a 18 f/s.
Film Notes
Kri-Kri, taking the place of the reflection in the mirror of his short-sighted boss, who is getting ready for an elegant reception, not only succeeds in adopting with great nonchalance the character of a different social class, but also duplicates Coco, making him appear “out of place” with a servant’s costume in the midst of high society. But who is the “real gentleman” in the mirror, Kri-Kri, or the ”super-elegant” and “aristocratic” one? This film anticipates Max Linder in Seven Years’ Bad Luck a decade later.
Cristina Zanasi