GENTLEMEN OF NERVE Charlot e Mabel alle corse; Scen.: Charles Chaplin; F.: Frank D. Williams; Int.: Charles Chaplin (il «portoghese»), Mack Swain (Ambrose), Mabel Normand (Mabel), Chester Conklin (Walrus), Phyllis Allen (sua moglie), Glen Cavender (Poliziotto), Alice Davenport (cameriera), Slim Summerville, Cecile Arnold, Frank Hayes, Charles Parrott [Charley Chase], Gene Marsh, Harry McCoy, Vivian Edwards, Fred Fishback, Tammany Young, Joe Bordeaux, Billy Gilbert, Bill Hauber (spettatori), Dixie Chene; Prod.: Keystone Film Company 35mm. L.: 314 m. D.: 17’ a 16 f/s.
Film Notes
Gentleman of Nerve is, admittedly, one of Chaplin’s most violent Keystones (spewing, stomping, biting, and burning as well as the usual kicks and punches) and one of his least original (…). However, the film does have one very funny slapstick sequence (Mack in the fence hole) using fluent cross-cutting, and several new gags that are memorable: i.e., Charlie trying to get into the racetrack by walking backward, his theft of soda pop, and his casual “preparation” to help Mabel in distress.
Harry M. Geduld, Chapliniana, Bloomington & Indianapolis, 1987