Ferdinand Zecca, Henri Andréani
Int: Madeleine Roch (Cleopatra), Rianza (the dancer), Stacia Napierkowska (the messenger); Prod.: S.A.P.F. (Pathé No. 3333). 35mm. L.: 290 m. D.: 16’ a 16 f/s. Tinted.
T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source
Film Notes
In this film, Stacia Napierkowska has a small role as the messenger who brings Cleopatra the bad news of her defeat in the battle of Actium, is made to drink poison and dies. Her costume – with bare legs to above the knee – and her danced, twitching death testify to the significant part the dancers from the variety stage played in the history of modern, experimental dance.