Augusto Genina

Sog.: Augusto Genina; Scen.: Alessandro De Stefani, Ugo Betti, Augusto Genina; F.: Aldo Tonti; Op.: Guido Serra; M.: Fernando Tropea; M. sonoro: Adriana Novelli; Scgf.: Salvo D’Angelo; Cost.: Anna Maria Fea; Trucco: Nino Altieri, Nicola Squeo; Mu.: Antonio Veretti; Ass. R.: Primo Zeglio; Int.: Fosco Giachetti (cap. Enrico Berti), Amedeo Nazzari (ing. Filippo Colleoni), Maria de Tasnady (Carla Berti), Vivi Gioi (Giuliana), Laura Redi (Maria detta Fanny), Fedele Gentile (Antonio), Guido Notari (il podestà di Bengasi), Leo Garavaglia, Carlo Duse, Galeazzo Benti; Prod.: Renato e Carlo J. Bassoli per la Film Bassoli 35mm. D.: 90’.


T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

Bengasi is certainly not an instinctive or impetuous film characterised by flights of fantasy, but it is extremely measured and wisely organised to achieve a specific propagandistic end. We know Augusto Genina as the director of intimist films (we have fond memories of Miss Europa, Amori di mezzanotte and Amore e dolore di donna) and of films built around broader themes and situations like Squadrone bianco and L’assedio dell’Alcazar. But Genina has also made other films that could be defined, by and large, commercial. Now in Bengasi, these three experiences have been brought together for a work that has its own powerful tone; (…). The production company, headed by the three Bassoli brothers, provided the director with every means sparing, as they say, no expense. A district of Bengasi is reconstructed, luxurious interiors are staged and substantial means have been employed. And means, in cinema, count for something.

Francesco Pasinetti, Cinema, 25 September 1942


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