THE NEW JANITOR Il nuovo portiere; Scen.: Charles Chaplin; F.: Frank D. Williams; M.: Charles Chaplin; Int.: Charles Chaplin (portiere), John Francis Dillon (commesso), Gene Marsh (segretaria), Jess Dandy (presidente della banca), Al St. John (ragazzo dell’ascensore), Glen Cavender (Luke Connor); Prod.: Keystone Film Company 35mm. L.: 311 m. D.: 17’ a 16 f/s. Bn.
Film Notes
I can trace the first prompting of desire to add another dimension to my films besides that of comedy. I was playing in a picture called The New Janitor, in a scene in which the manager of the office fires me. In pleading with him to take pity on me and let me retain my job. I started to pantomime appealingly that I had a large family of little children. Although I was enacting mock sentiment, Dorothy Davenport, an old actress, was on the sidelines watching the scene, and during rehearsal I looked up and to my surprise found her in tears. «I know it’s supposed to be funny» she said, «but you just make me weep». She confirmed something I already felt: I had the ability to evoke tears as well as laughter.
Charles Chaplin, My Autobiography, Bodley Head, 1964