Scen.: Len Lye; F.: Jonah Jones; Mu.: “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter” (Fats Waller), “T’Aint No Use” (Benny Goodman and his Orchestra), “Gimme A Break Baby” (Bob Howard and his Orchestra); Sound editor: Jack Ellitt; Int.: Evelyn Corbett (Evelyn), Dwight Goodwin (Jack); Prod.: Alberto Cavalcanti, per GPO Film Unit; 35mm. D.: 7’ a 24 f/s. Bn.
Film Notes
The official purpose of Lye’s first film based entirely on live-action photography was to persuade the public to take care addressing envelopes: the storyline shows how a mistake in writing a London postal code almost breaks up a young couple’s relationship. But for Lye the film’s purpose was to develop his experience with actors and challenge the orthodoxies of film grammar in a live-action narrative.
Geoff Brown