Sc.: Moss Hart dalla sua commedia. F.: Glen MacWilliams. In.: Sgt. Mark Daniels, Pvt. Lon MacCallister, Cpt. Don Taylor, Geraldine Wall, Sgt. Edmund O’Brien, Cpt. Karl Malden, Pfc. Martin Ritt, Cpt. Lee J.Cobb. P.: Darryl F.Zanuck. Distr. 20th Century-Fox. D.: 130’. 35 mm.
Film Notes
“Zanuck and I were good friends then. I always found him a very interesting, mysterious man, a real picture tycoon. It was his idea that I direct Winged Victory. […] It was more about training men, and the documentary parts interested me. But the story was silly; like everything that was being written at the time, it was full of patriotism and nothing else. […] It was incredible to have the cooperation of the Army Air Force. All I had to say was: It would be nice to have some movement in the background during this scene. And next thing there were hundreds of men, planes landing or taking off etc. There were a few affecting scenes with the girls. […] And the sets were good. Remember that Pacific island with the palm trees? It was built at Fox”. (Carlos Clarens, George Cukor, London, 1976)