Léonce Perret

Cast: Léonce Perret (Gontran), Valentine Petit (Valentine Legrand). Prod.: Gaumont 35mm. L.: 230 m. D.: 11’ a 18 f/s.

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

The 10:54 express train is about to leave. […] Gontran has already had his baggage stowed and is strolling along the platform when, all of a sudden, two female travelers get his attention. It is a young woman with her governess. The former is deliciously blond and cheerful, while the other is thin, sour, and stiff. The young woman is so fascinating that, all at once, Gontran decides to change seats, so he calls for a porter to bring his bag to the compartment where the two women are sitting, right at the end of the corridor. […] Fortunately the train has reached its destination. Our gallant hero watches the two women leave the station and get into a vehicle. He attempts to reach them, but when he finally manages to get a coach, the two women are gone! Inconsolable, Gontran then goes to his uncle, who had invited him to Paris in the hopes of finding him a wife. […] After less than an hour of conversation with his uncle, a servant announces the arrival of two women. When they make their entrance, Gontran thinks he might faint from amazement and joy: the two women are indeed the two unknown travelers. His uncle introduces them: «Madame Valentine Legrand, a fascinating widow and friend of mine». – «Miss Kimmbel, her lady in waiting.» – «My nephew Gontran». Much to the amazement of his uncle, Gontran and M.me Legrand, who seem to have known each other forever, move slightly off to one side, while in a screechy voice Miss Kimmbel begins telling of her trip: «Can you believe, inside the tunnel that boy had the nerve to kiss me on the face, while with his feet he was trying…»

Brochure della Société des Etablissements Gaumont, n.3945

Copy From

Print restored in 1980 from an original nitrate negative