
The note of Guillermo del Toro for ‘Frenchman’s Creek’

Guillermo del Toro sent us a note to be read before the screening of the film he chose:  Frenchman’s Creek by  Mitchell Leisen (USA/1944)

Here is the note:

“En mi opinion, Mitchel Leisen es un director completisimo y con un esplendido universo visual.  Sus instintos melodramáticos y de comedia son soberbios y, natural para el, su diseño de sets y vestuario es arrollador.  Es uno de esos grandes directores a re-descubrir. Qué maravilla que se presente Frenchman’s Creek en Bologna, que cuenta además con la magnífica actuación de uno de los más grandes actores del cine mexicano, Arturo de Córdova. Saludo muy afectuosamente al Il Cinema Ritrovato y espero estar con ustedes muy pronto! “
“In my opinion, Mitchel Leisen is a very complete director and he has a splendid visual universe. His melodramatic and comedic instincts are superb. And very natural coming from him, his set and costume designs are overwhelming. He’s one of those great directors that have to be rediscovered. It’s wonderful that Bologna is presenting Frenchman’s Creek which also stars Arturo de Cordova in a great performance. He’s one of México’s finest actors.
I send my warmest wishes to the Il Cinema Ritrovato and I hope to join you very soon!”