Lev Kulesov

T. It.: L’allegra Canarina; T. Ing.: A Merry Canary; Ass. R.: Iu. Vasil’cikov; Scen.: B. Gusman, A. Mariengof; F.: B. Francisson, P. Ermolov; Scgf.: S. Kozlovskij; Int.: G. Kravcenko (Brio), A. Fajt (Lugovec), A. Vojcik (Sua Moglie), S. Komarov (Brjanskij, Bolscevico Clande­stino), Iu. Vasil’cikov (Assistente Del Capo Del Controspionaggio), M. Doronin (Capo Del Con­trospionaggio), V. Kocetov (Soldato Francese Comunista), V. Pudovkin (L’illusionista), A. Cstjakov, N. Kopysov, A. Zutaev (Operai); Prod.: Mezrabpomfil’m; Pri. Pro.: 5 Marzo 1929 35mm. L.: 1075 M. D.: 52′ A 18 F/S. 

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

Released in the year of “The Great Breakthrough” in Soviet politics and economy – to use Stalin’s self-congratulatory term – A Merry Canary is one of those films which made Kuleshov later on in his life say to himself: “I cannot and I do not want to work on just whatever comes around.” However, even this film, which looks so un- Kuleshov in the choice of subject – a love story involving an under­ground bolshevik and a pretty café-chantant singer – shows Kuleshov as a true professional. The film’s masterful editing and resourceful use of props makes it a perfect study aid for filmmaking students, even if it falls short of being a true work of art.

Ekaterina Hohlova

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