Lev Kulesov

T. Ing.: The Great Consoler; Ass. R.: A. Hohlova; Sog.: Tratto Dalla Biografia E Due Romanzida O. Henry (Bill Porter); Scen.: A. Kurs, L. Kulesov; F.: K. Kuznecov; Ass. F.: A. Kapustjanskij; Scgf.: L. Kulesov; Ass. Scgf.: G. Rozalin; Su.: L. Obolenskij; Ass. Su.: N. Ozomov, Iu. Mlller; Mu.: Z. Fel’dman; Int.: K. Hohlov (Bill Porter), I. Novosel’cev (Jim Valentine), V. Kovrigin (Direttore Della Prigione), A. Fajt (Ben Price, Investi­gatore), D. Vvedenskij (Primo Carceriere), V. Rodd (Il Prigionero Nero), O. Raevskaja (Madre Divalentine), S. Sletov (Secondo Carceriere), A.Hohlova (Dulcie), G. Kravcenko (Annabel), P. Galadzev (Il Banchiere Adams; Un Giornalista), V. Lopatina (Sadie), M. Doronin (Il Locandiere), A.Gorcilin (Un Prigioniero); Prod.: I. Gorcilin, S. Skvorcov, Martynova, N. Jakovlev Per Mezrabpomfil’m; Pri. Pro.: 17 Novembre 1933 35mm. L.: 2612 M. D.: 95′ A 24 F/S.

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

The Great Consoler is the most complexand significant film in Kuleshov career: it relates to the facts of Kuleshov life and reflects on the issue of a creative individuali place in contemporary society. Set in the United States and loosely based on two short stories by O. Henry plus facts and legends concerning this writer’s life, The Great Consoler is the only film in Soviet cinema of the period that dared to touch upon the question of the artisti social mission and creative freedom. A combination of silent and sound sequences, The Great Consoler is a complex mosaic, all components of which – text, acting, sound and lighting effects, camera movement – join together to create an impressive and poignant picture of the contemporary world.
Ekaterina Hohlova

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