Anders Wilhelm Sandberg

T ing.: Great Expectations; T. fr.: Les grandes espérances; Sog.: dal romanzo “Great Expectations” di Charles Dickens; Scen.: Laurids Skands; F.: Louis Larsen, Einar Olsen; Scgf.: Carlo Jacobsen; Int.: Martin Herzberg (Pip, nei primi tre atti), Harry Komdrup (Pip, dal quarto al settimo atto), Marie Dinesen (Miss Havisham), Olga d’Org (Estella), Gerhard Jes- sen (Joe Gargery), Ellen Rovsing (Mrs. Gargery), Peter Nielsen, Emil Helsengreen (Abel Magwitch), Hjalmar Bendtsen (Herbert Pocket), Ellen Lillien (Biddy), Egill Rostrup (Mr. Jag- gers); Prod.: Nordisk Films Kompagni 35mm. L.: 1701 m. D.: 74’ a 20 f/s. Imbibito / Tinted.


T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

Foreign-made production of a Charles Dickens work. There is considerable effort made to class a youngster named Buddy Martin [Martin Herzberg] with Jackie Coogan. This might well be possible if the Martin youngster ran all through this picture as Coogan does through Oliver Twist. The kiddie is a born trouper, and when it comes to real pathos seems to have the edge on the Coogan offspring. Perhaps if he were brought to this country, where he would have the advantage of American directors, he might develop as a screen idol. (…) There was, however, some semblance of Dickens’ tale left for those who want Dickens on the screen. The characters all bore the names of those in the original, and in spots the language of the titles was that of the author, but for the greater part it was simply motion picture titles inserted to fit the action.

Anon., Variety, 8 March 1923


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