Lev Kulesov, A. Hohlova

T. It.: Noi siamo degli Urali; T. Ing.: We Are From The Urals; Scen.: E. Pomescikov, N. Rozkov; F.: I. Gorcllin; Scgf.: L. Blatova; Su.: N. Ozomov; Mu.: Ju. German, S. Potockij; Int.: A. Konsovskij (Kuzja Zavarin), Ja. Zejmo (Vera, Sua Sorella), G. Florinskij (Ignat’ev, Rappre­sentante Militare), A. Mihajlov (Vanja Tomakurov), S. Filippov (Operaio Specializzato), G. Milljar, M. Vinogradova, P. Galadzev, S. Komarov, N. Grabbe, S. Martinson, A. Krivickij, M. Barabanova, E. Mel’nik, L. Suharevskaja, A. Smirnov, N. Nikitina; Prod.: Sojuzdetfil’m E Stalinabad Film Studio; Pri. Pro.: 1944 35mm. L.: 2038 M. D.: 74′ A 24 F/S. 

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

Looking at this breast-banging title and the production year one might expect a join-the-armed-forces propaganda movie. Wrong guess. The film invites teenagers to suppress their natural patriotic instinct and, rather than dying for their Country, do something useful instead: study engineering, go East, not West (the Ural Mountains, of course, are the eastern frontier of Europe) and dedicate their time to making bombs and mines. There is also a side-motif picturing a gender type reversal: while the boy is making mines in the East the girl he is in love with (played by the wonderful Janina Zejmo) volunteers, is sent to the front and becomes a war hero. The bottom line: in a war like this, there is no such thing as boys or girls and front or rear
Yuri Tsivian

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