Rudolf Meinert

R. e Sc.: Rudolf Meinert. F.: Günther Krampf. Scgf.: Hermann Warm. In.: Marcella Albani (Elynor), Ch. W. Kayser (il banchiere Clifford), Hans Schickler (Jankins), Jean Murat (Jonny), Betty Astor (Goldelse), Karl Ludwig Diehl (Stuart Webbs), Gertrude Berliner (Mary), Borwin Walth (il commissario Black), Gerhardt Damman (Pitt), Oskar Homolka. P.: Omnia-film GmbH. 2164m. D.: 78’. 35mm.

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

First shown at the Titania Palast of Berlin in March 1930, Masken, or to be more precise Stuart Webb in ‘Masken’ as the title was registered with the German censor, is an adventure story that brings the character of Stuart Webb, detective who resolves the most intricate cases, back to the screen.

Created in the second decade for the actor Ernst Reicher, the “Stuart Webb” series evolved through a long series of episodes The adventures of Stuart Webb against secrete sects, Oriental criminals, cruel torturors of pretty girls and thieves of precious documents were all movement and Aktion.

With Masken, Rudolf Meinert revived the character after many years entrusting it to Karl-Ludwig Diehl. This refined actor would appear often in the thirties and the forties as the partner of Olga Tschechowa or Lil Dagover, in passionate and (melo)dramatic stories. At his side we find Marcella Albani, an actress originally from Rome who went to Berlin after she had interpreted a dozen films for the Ambrosio company of Torino”.

(Vittorio Martinelli)

Restored with funds from


Restored with funds from Projecto Lumière (within the Media Programme)