Sog.: dal dramma «Luise Müllerin / Kabale und Liebe» (1784) di Friedrich Schiller. Cast: Bianca Lorenzoni (Luisa). Prod.: Film d’Arte Italiana; 35mm. L. or.: 380 m. L.: 328m. D.: 16’ a 16 f/s. Bn.
Film Notes
Luisa Miller belongs to a group of FAI films adapted from the works of Schiller (the other two are Guglielmo Tell and La congiura dei Fieschi, 1911). In 1910, even Itala Film made a film inspired by the same Schiller character. Luisa Miller was distributed throughout Europe: FAI, which was part of the Pathé Consortium, took advantage of the distribution network created by the French major. Originally, the film was stencil colored, but the existing print is in black and white. Indeed, restoration was carried out from the only existing copy, or rather, from an original nitrate negative found at the Cinémathèque Française. Due to the lack of an original positive, it was not possible to reproduce the color. The intertitles, missing from the negative, were reconstructed thanks to an original script of the film held at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Arts du Spectacle. The intertitles, in French in the script, were translated into Italian and cut in, as indicated both by the script and by marks on the original negative.
Alessia Navantieri, Michele Canosa