LES AVENTURES DE ROBERT MACAIRE – Prima avventura: Une étrange nuit à la ferme de Sermèze

Jean Epstein

Sc.: Charles Vayre, dalla pièce L’auberge des Adrets di Benjamin Antier, Saint-Armand, Pulyanthe. F.: Paul Guichard, Jehan Fouquet, Nicholas Roudakoff. Scgf.: Jean Mercier, Georges Geffroy, Lazare Meerson. In.: Jean Angelo (Robert Macaire), Alex Allin (Bertrand), Susanne Bianchetti (Louise de Sermèze), Nino Costantini (René de Sermèze), Camille Bardou (il brigadiere Verdouron), Lou Davy (Victoire), Jean-Pierre Stock (Henri), François Viguier (Cassignol), Marquisette Bosky (Jeanne), Sacha Dulong (il marchese di Sermèze). P.: Films Albatros. 35mm. L.: 4085m. D.: 44′ a 22 f/s.

T. it.: Italian title. T. int.: International title. T. alt.: Alternative title. Sog.: Story. Scen.: Screenplay. F.: Cinematography. M.: Editing. Scgf.: Set Design. Mus.: Music. Int.: Cast. Prod.: Production Company. L.: Length. D.: Running Time. f/s: Frames per second. Bn.: Black e White. Col.: Color. Da: Print source

Film Notes

Curiously enough, Les Aventures de Robert Macaire, which is never spoken about, is a classic. […] This twenty reel film contains no prolixity, not a flaw. An entire era with its romantic atmosphere is reproduced. It’s lively and refined, and it is both spiritually and stylistically more modern than many current films. There will no doubt be those who say Epstein was averse to the film. But is that so certain? It’s possible that he gave it no importance. In any case, he wouldn’t have shot Mauprat right afterwards and so quickly if he hadn’t made Macaire. Some may shrug their shoulders saying that the film is the Le Caprice de Caroline chérie of the era. I’m sorry for them and for Caroline too, but if a comparison were to be made and an equivalent sought out from our time, it would have to be High Noon, and that’s a difference in perfection! I know of no other work by Epstein more authentic than Les Aventures de Robert Macaire. He dedicated himself to this film in complete honesty. He knew his romantics, his boulevard du crime, his Frédéric Lemaître, his Dumas, his Sand and his Doré. With his choice of landscapes, the realness of the secondary characters, Mercier’s refined interiors, all the details and even with false naiveté and a sort of false comicality, he plunges us into the spirit of that time.

Henri Langlois, “Jean Epstein”, Cahiers du cinéma, n. 24, 1953

Copy From

Print preserved in 1986 and restored in 1992.