F.: Alfieri Canavero, Mario Damicelli, Luigi Kuveiller; Mu.: Roberto Goitre; Su.: Giovanni Canavero; Prod.: Cinefiat 35mm. L.: 900 m. D.: 33’
Film Notes
A documentary about the first Fiat pilgrimage to Lourdes, May 1957. After a landscape introduction and the travel report by train from Turin, the film shows the impressive procession of workmen in white overalls, waving flags with the notice: “Fiat: earth, sea, sky”. De Sanctis, masterly using the stylistic feature of the great propaganda cinema, alternates the meeting between the “leader” and the “common people” (so you see Vittorio Valletta shaking hands with the sick, while catching a glimpse of the young lawyer Gianni Agnelli). There are pleas of strong emotional impact like the voice over crying: “Three sick Fiat workers offered their lives so that Jesus and His peace will always reign in the factory”, and crowd scenes that are figuratively highly suggestive illuminated by night.
From Cinemambiente Catalogue, 2003