T. it.: Charlot re per un giorno; Scen.: Charles Chaplin; F.: Frank D. Williams; Int.: Charles Chaplin (Weakchin), Mack Swain (re Lowbrow), Gene Marsh (favorita del re), Fritz Shade (Cleo), Cecile Arnold (cavernicola), Grover Ligon, Ted Edwards (cavernicoli); Prod.: Keystone 35mm. L.: 426 m. Bn. D.: 23’ a 16 f/s.
Film Notes
Chaplin’s last film for Keystone was His Prehistoric Past, prototype of the other film dreams in which Charlie the tramp was transferred to some imaginative existence far from the squalid present. On the familiar park bench (“symbol of sadness”) he lay and slept himself into prehistory, where he wore an animal’s skin but still kept on his bowler hat, and where he overcame his enemy King Lowbrow (played by Mack Swain) and marched over the bodies of the king’s maidens. Then the king rose again and knocked him on the head, and Charlie woke to find a policeman looming over him. “All I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl,” he told Sennett, and his last Keystone film, like so many of the others, proved him right. Isabel Quigley, Charlie Chaplin: Early Comedies (Studio Vista/ Dutton, 1968)