

Sala Cervi > 17:00

CR KIDS | Journey into Portoguese animation

This programme offers a journey through Portuguese animation from 1970 to the present and features a kaleidoscope of filmmakers (Regina Pessoa, Pedro Serrazina, José Miguel Ribeiro, Joana Toste, André Carrilho) and techniques (from hand drawing to plasticine and the animation of objects) – all of which are testament to the levels of vitality and quality that the genre has reached in Portugal.
The appeal of animated cartoons for more than a generation of spectators undoubtedly derives, in large part, from the efforts of the charismatic Vasco Granja who, between 1974 and 1990, selected rare films from across Europe and beyond for screening on Portuguese public television. It is arguably largely thanks to him, therefore, that in the Nineties a generation of directors, producers and animators exploded onto the scene, becoming masters who would go on to influence numerous contemporary filmmakers. Portuguese animation remains as vital as ever, enthusing audiences of all ages and earning recognition at both national and international level.

Neva Cerantola

  • Ice Merchant (Portugal/2022) R.: João Gonzalez. D.: 15’
  • Estória do gato e da lua (Tale About the Cat and the Moon, Portugal/1995) R.: Pedro Serrazina. D.: 6’
  • Dodu – O rapaz de cartão (Dodu – The Cardboard Boy, Portugal/2010) R.: José Miguel Ribeiro. D.: 6’
  • As coisas lá de casa (selezione di episodi) (Home Things, Portugal/2003) R.: José Miguel Ribeiro. D.: 16’
  • Eu quero a lua (I Want the Moon!, Portugal/1970) R.: Artur Correia. D.: 5’

Introduced by Neva Cerantola (Cinemateca Portuguesa)