

Serre dei Giardini Margherita > 21:30

CR KIDS | Vedere l’invisibile

An evening of discussion and dialogue between science and animation on the concept of invisibility of the Cosmos and the challenges of animation called to shape the great mysteries of the Universe.

A dialogue between Marco Bellano, Sara Ricciardi (INAF Bologna) and Fabrizio Villa (INAF Bologna)

To penetrate the cloak of invisibility that shrouds the cosmos is the biggest challenge faced by contemporary astrophysics. Most of our universe is invisible to the naked eye: powerful telescopes allow us to test scientific theories, but there remains an enormous part about which we know nothing beyond its effects on “ordinary” matter. How can we represent that which is invisible? Vedere l’invisibile is an opportunity for dialogue and an exchange of ideas between science and animation, which is often tasked with representing and giving form to the greatest mysteries of the universe as they are discovered by science.