

Sala Cervi > 17:00

CR KIDS | Animated Charms

Animated films are often the first form of contact we have with the film world, therefore, the Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych (Warsaw Documentary Film Studio) is thrilled to contribute the following selection of Polish animations to this year’s festival programme with the youngest audience in mind. The selected shorts are produced by Studio Miniatur Filmowych and are now part of the vast WFDiF’s collection of recently restored classic Polish films, representing some of the most precious animations for children made in Poland in the 1960s and 1970s. These animations bring a fresh energy to the eye of a young, demanding viewer, engaging her/him with their mesmerising colours and aesthetics of set design. Each of the films, through a subtle and wise combination of music and image, takes on a different moral aspect, providing a powerful educational lesson and important food for thought. The connection with the material used in the films and the skilful integration of various techniques like drawing, cutouts and puppets highlight the kinetic power of the films. The music, composed by some of the most acclaimed Polish musicians such as Krzysztof Penderecki and Jerzy Matuszkiewicz, is integrated with the visual element of the films, and beautifully complements the laborious artistic processes used, and the virtuosity of the animator. These are the animated charms of Polish classic cinema.

Iga Harasimowicz

Introduce Iga Harasimowicz


PRZYGODA W PASKI (The Striped Adventure, Poland/1960) by Alina Maliszewska–Kruk (11’)

SKARB CZARNEGO JACK’A (The Black Jack’s Treasure, Poland/1961) by Witold Giersz (11’)

NIESPODZIANKA (Surprise, Poland/1965) by Teresa Badzian (11’)

CZAR KÓŁEK (The Charm of the Wheels, Poland/1966) by Kazimierz Urbański (7’)

KOLOROWE KOŁA (Colourful Circles, Poland/1972) by Stefan Janik (8’)