Blu-ray & DVD Awards 2024 – 21st Edition


Il Cinema Ritrovato – Blu-ray & DVD Awards is promoted by Cineteca di Bologna in the framework of Il Cinema Ritrovato film festival. As most of you already know, it’s a competition that, in line with the festival spirit, celebrates old movies, restorations and rediscovers, in their home video formats. The competition is open to all films released in Blu-Ray/DVD and will take place during the 38th edition of the festival.



The competition is open to DVDs and Blu-rays released between February 2023 and March 2024 of critically acclaimed films made before 1994 (30 years ago).
You can enter the competition by submitting up to 5 titles of your latest releases. Your DVDs and Blu-rays must reach Bologna no later than March 29th, 2024.



In order to enable all jury members to assess each shortlisted edition into detail, we ask all finalists to send us five additional copies per title. All copies should reach Bologna no later than May 3rd.

2024 DVD & BLU-RAY Awards Finalists’ List



All finalists who wish to be part of the festival Bookfair can do so via the same shipping: only adding 10 extra copies of shortlisted DVD/Blu-ray to the Jury parcel (May 3rd deadline). For any further details please contact:



Download the competition rules 

Complete the online Registration Form