

Sala Centofiori > 21:45


The festival with which we are collaborating this year is FEMA, a longstanding event dedicated to animation cinema that since 1973 has brought together enthusiasts and professionals from the sector at La Rochelle, without assigning any prizes. From the section Mer animée, which is aimed at children above the age of four, we have selected several shorts with a nautical theme. Octopuses obsessed with tidiness, sand creatures that come to life when the sun goes down, and paper boats that discover how to brave the open sea are among the protagonists of these films, which were made with a variety of different techniques including drawing on glass.


LIIVAMEES (Sandguy, Estonia/2011) by Pärtel Tall (15’)

DAS KLEINE ROTE PAPIERSCHIFFCHEN (The Little Red Paper Ship, Germania/2013) by Aleksandra Zareba (13’)

THE BIRD AND THE WHALE (Irlanda/2018) by Carol Freeman (7’)

INKT (Ink, Paesi Bassi/2020) by Joost Van Den Bosch and Erik Verkerk (2’)

In collaboration with La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi