T. It.: L’allegra Canarina; T. Ing.: A Merry Canary; Ass. R.: Iu. Vasil’cikov; Scen.: B. Gusman, A. Mariengof; F.: B. Francisson, P. Ermolov; Scgf.: S. Kozlovskij; Int.: G. Kravcenko (Brio), A. Fajt (Lugovec), A. Vojcik (Sua Moglie), S. Komarov (Brjanskij, Bolscevico Clandestino), Iu. Vasil’cikov (Assistente Del Capo Del Controspionaggio), M. Doronin (Capo Del Controspionaggio), V. Kocetov (Soldato Francese Comunista), V. Pudovkin (L’illusionista), A. Cstjakov, N. Kopysov, A. Zutaev (Operai); Prod.: Mezrabpomfil’m; Pri. Pro.: 5 Marzo 1929 35mm. L.: 1075 M. D.: 52′ A 18 F/S.
Film Notes
Released in the year of “The Great Breakthrough” in Soviet politics and economy – to use Stalin’s self-congratulatory term – A Merry Canary is one of those films which made Kuleshov later on in his life say to himself: “I cannot and I do not want to work on just whatever comes around.” However, even this film, which looks so un- Kuleshov in the choice of subject – a love story involving an underground bolshevik and a pretty café-chantant singer – shows Kuleshov as a true professional. The film’s masterful editing and resourceful use of props makes it a perfect study aid for filmmaking students, even if it falls short of being a true work of art.
Ekaterina Hohlova