A Orgosolo La Terra Ha Tremato
F.: Luciano Graffigna; Mu.: Gruppo N.P.S., Alvin Curran; Prod.: Corona Cinematografica; 35mm. L.: 580 M. D.: 21′ Bn.
Film Notes
For many greater or lesser cineastes, Corona Cinematografica provided a kind of gymnasium in which to acquire their craft or consolidate already honed competence. And in many cases to bring into play their own creativity. The panorama which emerges is very lively, making it possible to undertake an uneven path through 50 years of customs, geography, history, mentality, work, literature, famous and “ordinary” people, painters… For this occasion we have concentrated on a few examples which deal with man’s relationship to his specific environment: the citizens of Naples and their saint (Il miracolo di San Gennaro, a forgotten jewel of the young Emmer), suburban boys with a passion for souped-up cars (Il ragazzo motore with an unpublished commentary written and read by Pasolini), the desperate people who make a home in an urban cleansing depot (L’assurdo), the mountain people of Abruzzo who seek work beneath the Pantheon (L’ingaggio), Sardinia’s atavistic customs and kidnappings, filtered through the clinical, mad eye of Giuseppe Ferrara (A Orgosolo la terra ha tremato).