FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission Workshop – Summer 2024

FIAF Cataloguing and Documentation Commission Workshop: “Film-Related Materials in Archives – From Acquisition to Access”
20-21 June 2025
Bologna (MAMbo at the Cineteca di Bologna)
Registrations will open on 1 April 2025
Presentation of the course
Photos, posters, press clippings, 3D objects, sheet music and many other materials are collected, catalogued, digitised and made accessible in and by filmarchives. These diverse documents are commonly grouped under the term “film-related materials”. However, each of these types of materials requires a completely different approach in terms of collection, digitization, and also cataloguing, and most of all, requires specialised and trained archivists. In addition, these departments within the film institutions are usually staffed with fewer people than the film departments.
With this workshop, the CDC would like to offer a place and framework in which precisely the specific issues of film-related materials can be discussed openly and experiences exchanged. After a successful workshop in Stockholm on cataloguing film related materials in 2023, we will broaden the scope and take the whole workflow from acquisition, preservation, cataloguing to access into consideration. We will also discuss oral history and immaterial film heritage.
The classes (a mixture of lectures and workshops) will be taught by experts from the global network of FIAF archives, and other distinguished professionals in a relevant field.
Applications for registration will be open between 1 and 20 April 2025. Successful candidates will be notified by email by 25 April. The course is offered free of charge and includes lunches and coffee breaks. Participants are expected to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. Note that the course will be limited to 40 participants.
FIAF will offer some financial assistance to a limited number of participants, to cover part of their travel and accommodation costs. More information will be available when registrations open.
For more information, please email