Sala Cervi > 17:45
Cinema Ritrovato Kids – Tribute to Saul Saguatti
Saul Saguatti
Live accompaniment by Agnese Banti, Daniele Carcassi, imone Faraci, Yun Huang, Mattia Siboni, Giada Turini (students from Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini of Bologna)
A new foray into experimental and abstract cinema exploring the relationship between music and images and creations by filmmakers who have tried to translate a visual universe of lines, shapes, colours and architecture into rhythm, aspiring to a total work of art. This year the festival pays tribute to the work of contemporary video artist Saul Saguatti, who will present a selection of his shorts. The journey starts with movies by the first great avant-garde film experimenters (Ruttmann, Moholy-Nagy and Richter). The screenings will be accompanied by live music by the students of the Department of New Technologies and Musical Languages of Bologna’s Conservatorio di Musica G.B. Martini (Agnese Banti, Daniele Carcassi, Simone Faraci, Yun Huang, Mattia Siboni, Giada Turini).
Der Sieger (Germania/1921) R.: Walter Ruttmann. D.: 3’
Ein Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiss Grau (Germania/1930) R.: László Moholy-Nagy. D.: 6’
Inflation (Germania/1921) R.: Hans Richter. D.: 3’
Rhythmus 23 (Germania/1923) R.: Hans Richter. D.: 3’
Acciaio (estratto) (Italia/1933) R.: Walter Ruttmann. D.: 5’
Basmati (Italia/2000) R.: Saul Saguatti. D.: 6’
Life from Pluto remix 04 (Italia/2004) R.: Saul Saguatti. D.: 6’
Fire Bandit (Italia/2005) R.: Saul Saguatti. D.: 1’
Pop Craft (Italia/2017) R.: Audrey Coïaniz. D.: 5’
L’urlo (Italia/2017) R.: Leonardo Carrano, Audrey Coïaniz. D.: 1’
Alphabeth (Italia/2018) R.: Audrey Coïaniz, Saul Saguatti. D.: 6’
Original version with subtitles
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