Prod.: Amip / La Sept Arte / Ina Beta Sp. D.: 65’.
Film Notes
“Each time I wanted to say something new, I used a new means; this is why I turned to film… Changing means is a characteristic of obsession.” Together with Jean-André Fieschi, a “Cahiers du cinéma” critic, Pier Paolo Pasolini revisits the places of his life and films: from his apartment in Rome in via Eufrate, to the Roman outskirts, to the beaches of Ostia. (…) Pasolini talks at length about Uccellacci e uccellini [The Hawks and the Sparrows, just completed at the time], and takes Fieschi to Prenestino so he could meet Ninetto Davoli. Pasolini explains his concept of cinema as “reproduction of reality’s natural language”, talks about his relationship with neorealism and about nouvelle vague as the revolutionary continuation of neorealism, and he clearly expresses his deep criticism of the Italian lower middle class.
Flavio Vergerio, in Cinema, del nostro tempo, Flavio Vergerio (ed.), CSC-Editrice Il Castoro, Milan, 1998